Ph.D. Maja Jukic Spika


Department of Applied Sciences


2015.  Ph. D. Doctor of Biotechnical Sciences, Food Technology; Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2009. Expert in the tasting of virgin olive oil – university expert diploma, Titulo de experto en cata de aceites de oliva virgenes (7a edicion), Universidad de Jaen, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales – Departamento de Ingenería Química, Ambiental y de los Materiales

2007.  B. Sc. Food Technology, Food Engineering; Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb

Scientific rank: Scientific Associate

Scientific and Professional Interests: food quality, analytics of olive oil, sensory analysis, polyphenolic potential of fruit and vegetable

Languages:  English, Spanish

Websites: Mendeley profile

ResearcherID: O-2448-2018



– Scientific specialization Biotehniška fakulteta Univerza v Ljubljani, Katedra za tehnologiju, prehranu i vino, Slovenija, September 2016.

– Scientific specialization Department of Quality, Liebniz-Institute fur Gemuse und Zierpflanzenbau, Grossberen, Germany, May – June 2013.

– Scientific specialization Department of Quality, Liebniz-Institute fur Gemuse und Zierpflanzenbau, Grossberen, Germany, November – December 2012.

– Scientific specialization Vidalia Onion Postharvest Laboratory at the Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia –Tifton, Georgia, USA, June – August 2010.

”Training course on organoleptic assessment of virgin oil –panel leaders”, International Olive Council – IOC, Madrid, Spain, July 2009.

– “The course of a sensory assessment and selection of assessors for virgin olive oil” Croatian Chamber of Economy, Split, Croatia,  April 2009.

”Seminar for sensory evaluation of virgin olive oil” International Olive Council – IOC, Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Split, March 2008.



2016.  Award from the Olive growers and olive oil producers Union of Split-Dalmatia County to individuals who have distinguished themselves in scientific and professional work on improving the production and marketing of olive oil; as part of the International Olive Manifestation of Mediterranean “Maslina Split

2009. Fellowship of International Olive Council for the University specialization course organized by the University of Jaén (Spain) for experts in sensory evaluation of virgin olive oils. 05.09. – 17.12.2009.


2023., 2024., – : Member of the international panel for sensory evaluation of virgin olive oil of the international competition LONDON IOOC., London, England.

2022. – : ISHS International Society for Horticultural Sciences

2015. – Member of Professional panel for the sensory analysis of virgin olive oils of the Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Split (27.11.2015.)

2015 . –  Club of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists

2008. – Dalmatian Association of Professionals in Food