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Ph.D. Maja Jukic Spika



National research projects:
  • Increasing research innovation in Mediterranean agriculture and forestry by modernizing the infrastructure and improving the excellence of the research group (INOMED-2I), Internal project – within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026, financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, 09-207/1-23, (2024-2027), project leader
  • Influence of innovative technologies on nutritive value, sensory properties and oxidative stability of virgin olive oils from Croatian autochthonous olive varieties – CROinEVOO (IP-2020-02), Croatian Scientific Foundation, project associate, (2021 – 2024) – associate
  • Enhancing competitiveness of olive production in the program area through cross border cooperation, COOPeR, Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014. – 2020, Project No:HR-BA-ME371 (2020 – 2022) – associate
  • New methods in pest control of olive using plant volatile substances; Support: Operational programme Copetitivness and cohesion 2014. – 2020., Br.: KK.
    (2019. – 2022.), associate
  • Centre of excellence for biodiversity and molecular plant breeding, Support: Operational programme Copetitivness and cohesion 2014. – 2020., Br.: KK.
    (2019. – 2022.), associate
  •  “Role of soil properties and environmental conditions in elemental and isotopic composition of the olive: basis for oil geographic traceability”, Support: Unity Through Knowledge Found, (2015 – 2017) , Project associate and administrator
  • “Cijepljene rajčice ublažava biotički stres izazvan štitastim moljcima”; Support: HRZZCroatian Science Foundation, (2015 – 2017), associate
  • “Research & Development of Environmentally-Friendly Methods in Olive Pest Control” (09-21/1-07), Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic Croatia, (2007 – 2014), associate
International scientific projects:
  • “Adoption of eco-friendly management practices in vegetable cropping systems under Croatian and Sovenian agroecological conditions”; Support: Ministry of Science and Education, Republic of Croatia (Bilateral research collaboration, Croatia: Slovenia), Period: 2018 – 2019, associate
  • “Enhancement of flavonoids and other antioxidants of loose-leaf lettuce by controlled supply of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S)” ; Support: DAAD i MZOS (Bilateral cooperation Croatia and Germany), (2012 – 2013), associate
  • “Effect of stress on physiological processes, yield, and composition of antioxidants in vegetables”; Support: MZOS i ARRS, (Bilateral cooperation Croatia and Slovenia) (2012 – 2013), associate
  • “Croatia Agriculture Research and Education Exchange”; Support: United States Department of Agriculture-USDA, (2009-2013), associate
National Technological projects:
  • National Program for conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in the Republic of Croatia (2019-2027), associate
  • Analysis of texture profile as a factor of processing characteristics and assessment of biodiversity of autochthonous olive cultivars,  Support: Split-Dalmatia County, (2018 – 2020) – principal investigator
  • Povećanje konkurentnosti djevičanskog maslinovog ulja otoka Brača’’; Support: Split-Dalmatia County, (2016 – 2018), associate
  • “Utvrđivanje potencijala rodnosti i optimalnog vremena berbe šipka na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije”; Support: Split-Dalmatia County, (2016 – 2018), associate
  • „Napredne i održive tehnologije uzgoja i čuvanja raštike u svrhu povećanja konkurentnosti”; Support: Split-Dalmatia County, (2016 – 2018), associate
  • Primjena tehnike „trap cropping“ u zaštiti plodovitog povrća od stakleničkog štitastog moljca“; Support: Ministry of Agriculture (2016-2018), associate
  • “Povećanje konkurentnosti djevičanskog maslinovog ulja optimizacijom tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje”; Support: Split-Dalmatia County, (2014 – 2016), associate
  • Irrigation pilot project (vine grapes and olives) on established plots within the karst area (Donje polje Jadrtovac, Šibensko-kninska county ); (2014-2017), associate
  • “Researchers night”, H 2020, Marie Curie actions, (2014 – 2015), associate
  • “Povećanje konkurentnosti plodova trešnje na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije”; Support: Split-Dalmatia County, (2013 – 2014), associate
  • “Konkurentnost jadranskih autohtonih češnjaka – kvaliteta i povećanje proizvodnje”; Support: Ministry of Agriculture (2012-2014), associate
  • “Napredne tehnologije uzgoja i zaštite povrća – prinos, kakvoća i brojnost štetnika”; Support: Ministry of Agriculture, (2011 – 2013), associate
  • “Sustavno praćenje, poboljšanje i promicanje kvalitete djevičanskog maslinovog ulja u Splitsko – dalmatinskoj županiji“; Support: Split-Dalmatia County, (2009 – 2013), associate
International Technological projects:
  •  “Virgin olive oil: Healthy food and tasty medicine”Support: International Olive Council, (2013 – 2014), associate